• Excellent fuel economy for cars fitted with automatic gearboxes by reducing epicyclical gears friction.
• Outstanding anti-shudder performance that avoids vibrations on engine fly wheel.
• Swift automatic transmission response and smooth shift feels by minimizing lag of shift time.
• Optimized frictional properties that provide smooth gear shifting during low temperature operation and help prevent transmission vibration.
• Excellent shear stable viscosity index improvers resist easy breakdown under high shear conditions in transmissions, thus ensuring the oil film thickness to continue protecting the moving components.
• Outstanding low temperature pumpability and circulation, to ensure excellent cold start performance.
• Excellent oxidation & thermal stability prevents sludge formation, deposit build up & oil thickening.
Eiffel Transyn ATF MB-15 meets or exceeds the following International and Builder specifications:
• MB 236.15
Suitable for use in all Mercedes vehicles equipped with latest generation (from 2010 onwards) 7-Speed
automatic transmissions and 7-G Tronic/7-G Tronic Plus models, where MB-Approval 236.15 specification
is specified and are not backward compatible with previous MB-ATF specifications.
Typical Characteristics
Eiffel Transyn ATF | Test Method | Units | MB-15 |
Color | Visual | – | Blue |
Density @ 15 0C | ASTM D 4052 | gm/cc | 0.850 |
Viscosity @ 100 0C | ASTM D 445 | cSt | 4.8 |
Viscosity @ 40 0C | ASTM D 445 | cSt | 20.9 |
Viscosity Index | ASTM D 2270 | – | 158 |
Pour Point | ASTM D 97 | °C | -45 |
Flash Point (COC) | ASTM D 92 | °C | 205 |
The above figures are typical of blends with normal production tolerance and do not constitute a specification.